Print this web page to assist you in setting up Outlook Express with your new email account.

Microsoft Outlook Express E-mail Configuration

Start Outlook Express and click on the toolbar Tools, then Accounts...

Select the Mail tab, then Add, then Mail....

Enter your Display Name as you would like it to appear on your outgoing messages.

Enter your full E-mail address provided to you by EFX internet (example:

Select POP3 as the server type.  Enter your Incoming (POP3) and Outgoing (SMTP) server names provided to you by EFX internet.

Please Note: Southern Tier RoadRunner users may use for your Outgoing mail server setting only.  Binghamton Time Warner Telecom T-1 users may use for your Outgoing mail server setting only.  Performance on RoadRunner and other ISPs may be enhanced by using your local ISPs SMTP server instead of  For other Internet Service Provider's SMTP servers click here.

Enter your Account name (Username) and Password provided by EFX internet.  The Remember password box should be checked.

Click Finish and that's it, you're all set.  New mail will be delivered to your Inbox.

Note: There is one additional security setting you should add to your account after it is created.  See the bottom of this page for info on POP before SMTP.

To make changes after your initial setup:

  • First go to Tools, then Accounts...
  • Select the Mail tab
  • Highlight the Account in the list that you wish to change
  • Click on the Properties button

POP before SMTP Setting
One additional setting you should setup after your account is created is for security.  The EFX internet mail server requires that you check your incoming mail (POP) BEFORE you are allowed to send out (SMTP) mail using our server.  If you choose to use for your "Outgoing mail (SMTP) server" and not your ISPs SMTP server you should add the following setting:

Under the Tools / Accounts... / Mail tab - highlight your email account then click Properties / Servers tab and look for Outgoing Mail Server.  Check the "My server requires authentication" box then click the Settings... button.  "Use the same settings as my incoming mail server" should be selected.

For even more detailed setup instructions visit Microsoft: How to Set Up Outlook Express.

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